Friday, 18 September 2015

Anxious, Eager & Impatient

Anxiety, depression, PTSD, OCD, ADHD, ADD.. All these "disorders" that many of us are born with can affect us so deeply in our daily lives and it seems impossible to control some days but it always is, I promise.

Through the help of CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) we can rationally practice mindfulness and stay in the moment at all times without worrying about things of our past, and over-anticipating events in the future. It's a lot easier said than done, I know right?

Though it doesn't take over-the-counter meds just to cure this, you can cure this all with the power of your own mind. A phrase I've started to live by, a TRUTH rather, is "A person becomes exactly what they think about". Meaning, if you think negative, pessimistic doomsday-esque thoughts all the livelong day, you can only imagine what's coming your way, those exact thoughts. I'm not saying this to frighten anyone or further any panic though it is the truth, if you want a positive, optimistic and proactive lifestyle, then you need to think and act accordingly to it.

You ever see those joyous, happy-to-be-alive optimistic smiling faces throughout your lifetime? Those are the people who've come to that conclusion already and see no valid point in being negative and gloomy on a day-to-day basis. There are those people who claim to not act as so, though they truly do have a bleak, miserable outlook on their own world.. Possibly without even knowing it.

Closed-minded people tend to use their negativity as a defence mechanism against the cruelties of this world and while it sometimes may feel like the safer route to take, it is not allowing them to live their lives to their full potential. To do so, you must put yourself out there in the world and by that I mean being a little vulnerable to life, allowing yourself to make mistakes, improve, learn and gradually progress through each phase/stage in your life with that positive mindset I've been praising. Tragedy, devastation, misery and heartache can sometimes be inevitable in our world but it's our attitude towards these events that affects the outcome it has on the rest of the world and in your own life. If you react negatively and your same old pessimistic habits kick in, it'll always remain that way and that narrow minded approach to life you have will become that much slimmer. Disaster is awful, I will agree but it's apart of life and we all need to be willing to accept that and move on as progressively and proactively as possible. Meaning that we pick up the broken pieces and start building a new masterpiece and creating that ideal life we've always wanted. Grieving is absolutely acceptable and I'm not tellin you how to live your life, however I'm giving you helpful guidelines as to how to become optimistic and positive about these insane, crazy topsy-turvy world events or even just the personal ones and move forward with a smile on your face knowing that no matter what, things are always going to be okay.

It was said best, "When there's a will, there's a way" because that is absolutely the godforsaken truth about anything we do in our daily lives. You fail, it's a stepping stone. You mess up, you get up and try, try again. You fall, you climb back up. No matter what life throws at you, you'll be willing to adapt and ACCEPT everything as it comes your way. Don't play the pity party and act as if everyone's out to get you, since that's not necessarily the case. Life strikes us in impeccable ways at times but it's how we react that always matters most. You put out positive energy, vibes and reactions, you'll get the very same positivity in return. Everytime! I promise you. No matter how long it takes, good will come your way if you maintain this mindset.

I have a lot more to cover on this topic, believe me, however I'm running short on time but stay tuned for more everyone! Have a lovely Friday evening and Godspeed!

P.S. I'm not preaching any religion on you guys, merely stating how to practice mindfulness, acceptance and a positive, optimistic, happy, bright outlook on this crazy, messed up but wonderful thing we call life. Clichés are useful sometimes you know ;)
