Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Anxious, Eager & Impatient (Continued)

So, I was in a little bit of a rush in the prior half of this article but I have a little bit of time now to finish it up, as I will.

Life has not treated me perfectly as of late but that's the funny thing about life, it never treats anyone that way because life isn't perfect for anyone, it's imperfectly perfect the way it is and its remarkable how the universe actually does work. The adage is true, the universe works in many mysterious ways and though we may think it not to be some days (particularly the rather gloomy, depressing, stressful and anxiety-filled days/nights), it always shines through in the long run.

Patience is key to achieving happiness within, something I've struggled with intensely in the past and still do every now and then. Patience is a trait that is learned, not an overnight sensation similar to the likes of Vine, as most of us all know and love.. Or hate.. Whichever suits your fancy. Back to the point, patience teaches us to persevere through these stressful times in our lives and look forward to the great things that lay ahead of us in our lifetimes. To do so, we must remain positive and optimistic in our everyday lives no matter what we're doing, as I've stressed this very point before.

Time is a valuable thing and you must use it wisely to your own liking. Not to someone else's who feels theirs is more important than yours. That is a selfish act and selfish people will never consider your thoughts or feelings about the matter, they're only focused on their personal goals and how they're to achieve them. As I mentioned earlier, that's the karma aspect of things in play again, they're treating you that way, so you need to buck up and act for yourself in your own manner as well. It's eye-for-an-eye ladies and gents, it may take longer sometimes for karma, alchemy and the way of the world to show itself through but I assure you, it always will.

I'm not some glorious know-it-all, though I have had my fair share of experiences and been through quite a lot of events in my 21-year span of life. The age may shock some of you that I'm speaking in such terms as if I'm to have a beard of grey stretching down forth unto my knees, though I'm just speaking from the heart and what I've learned in my own personal experience of this gem we call life. You can take what you may from my words of advice and treat it as your own, though I mean nothing but peace, harmony, positivity, happiness and of course, solace. I wish for everyone to have a happy, full, joyous, well-travelled life and no matter what their current circumstances are, I want EVERYONE to know, that it is NEVER too late to start something new.. You could be 75 and starting a new career, the choice is always yours and nobody can tell you otherwise as they will never have any right to. As spoken about before, none of us have a damn clue what we're doing here in the first place despite any religion, theories or pseudo-scientific evidence; so I suggest we all live our lives how we truly want to and experience the world for what it is and find the happiness and delight in waking up every morning and enjoying the fact that we are free, we live in a free country and have an opportunity each and everyday to make the best out of our lives as we can. Times may be tough but they're only permanent, as is everything. There is ALWAYS room for change, don't be afraid of it, let it happen. Change is good. Change brings new peace, love and perspective. Let it be.

Have a wonderful night everyone, goodnight and Godspeed! Stay tuned for more coming articles on mental well-being, health, music, fitness, travelling, the entrepeneurial experience and loving yourself, your life and everyone/everything in it, it's all about the mindset! Amen!
