Poverty: General scarcity, dearth, or the state of one who lacks a certain amount of material possessions or money.
We see this scattered across the globe daily and it's truly heartbreaking at that. This is an article I've been thinking about for a little while now and it came across my mind again on the bus home a few days ago. Which, for all you bus-takers out there, we all know how that time crunch and the uncomfortable feelings of being pressed up against a stranger can be, sometimes unpleasant!
Back to the point, we see poverty all the time in various ways and in various places. Its embedded in our minds to have that image of a homeless man/woman living in a cardboard box on the sidewalk, a back alley near some dumpsters or the less-sighted, city parks. Every time we are to see such a visual, it brings most of us a sense of dispair, depression and loss. For others, it brings the feelings of fear, for not wanting to be in the position themselves or for their lives to ever amount to that.
The bad news, there actually are millions of people suffering daily like this. The good news, we can do something about it. While we may not be able to solve world hunger in a day or stop poverty entirely, we can certainly make our contributions to society and bettering it the best possible way we're able to. These little tidbits are ways to do so:
• Donate to charities.
• Buy a homeless person/people a meal for the day.
• Provide community services via homeless shelters, feeding the poor where and when we can.
• Smile at a stranger (seems minor but honestly, sometimes a simple smile can set the tone in an individual's day, just try it sometime)
• Offer a hug (also simple but does wonders)
• Hold the door open for someone.
• Recycle.
• Start a friendly conversation with a homeless person/individual in need.
The above ways of expressing your positivity and effort may not all directly relate to poverty but they are general ways to improve the way we go about our daily lives and furthermore, improve society and help towards the struggle of poverty. At first sight, they're minuscule but gradual progress will be made every day of our lives if we are to do so. Some may laugh and overlook these subtle, simple tasks but honestly, the energy you put out there will come back to you and karma will work its wonders unto you. These are not selfish deeds nor are they selfless, they are communal and universal. We are all connected after all and every breath of fresh air you take in in the morning, has once passed through the same individuals you look up to or the same ones that have suffered many tragedies. Seems blunt but it's the truth and being that we are all one, we must show and produce an effort towards love and happiness, these are life's foundations. It's what we're truly built on and love conquers all in the end.
This isn't to say that I know it all and have life figured out but what I do know, is that I put out to the world what I expect in return and how I'd like to be treated. Equality is a topic so overlooked in today's day in age it's saddening and we all need to realize that life isn't a competition, we're all born the same and we all pass away the same. Let's make the best use of our time now and live each moment in solace and bliss. Positivity and contentment with where you are in your life now is one of the most important things you could ever do for yourself. You may not be where you're headed but that's the point, life's a journey and you need to take in every lasting moment for what it is and with acceptance. You must appreciate what you have in your life now and accept yourself for who you are and all the amazing things that are currently in your life. You are perfect as is, smile and don't let anything/anyone bring you down because they are never in any place to judge. Life will get you where you need to be, just enjoy the ride along the way and do your part for positivity, happiness and self-acceptance. This is how you will achieve enlightenment.
Do not stress about the past or worry about the future, they are where they belong and as are you in the present moment. You can set goals for your dream home and still achieve them while enjoying where you are now, it's all about how you think of it. Mindfulness will bring you the peace you've been looking for. Stay present and don't worry about where you've been or are going to, it's happening for a reason, always remember that.
Namaste, everyone.
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