Saturday 9 April 2016

Fame, Travel, Anxiety & Accomplishing Your Dreams/Goals/Aspirations

Well, initially I was going to pre-write this article as a rough draft in handwriting but I figure, why waste the time, I'm just going to get right down to it.

For starters, I'm going to make this a very freelance article. Not perfect, not extremely long but just the right amount to get my message across.

I've been struggling with anxiety, worry, depression, fear and angst all throughout my life as I'm sure most of us do at some point in our lives. So, I wanted to share that you're not alone there. I portray a very confident demeanour (not to seem cocky) and I'm proud of that but inside, sometimes it's killing me.

I feel as though I'm experiencing the infamous 'Quarter-Life Crisis' that everyone talks about and would love to snap out of this state of mind as it isn't a very pleasant one to be in. "Where am I going to be in 5 years?", "Should I have gone to college immediately after high school?", "Is college all a mistake and should I be travelling the world?", "Why aren't I a famous actor being wined and dined by illustrious directories worldwide?" .... Sounds pretty crazy hearing it all at once and it's a little foolish to assume that you could have that all solved by the time you're in your early-mid 20's. I've come to the realization that it's completely normal to feel that way and if you're also someone in your early-mid 20's or even older, I'm here to tell you that it's okay to not know what the hell you're doing yet. It's absolutely NEVER too late to set new goals, follow through on your dreams and get going on those projects you've been putting off. Go for it! Go all in and give it your best, then forget the rest. A lesson that a one Mr. Tony Horton, creator of the extremely successful home workout program (which I use myself) P90X.

I've learned a lot of life lessons in the past year and a bit, and I myself am only 21 years old. May sound crazy that I'm giving life advice at this age but hey, I'm just filling you all in on what I know and have experienced myself to date. Could be some helpful tips in there! ;)

I'm not a professional writer and by far an expert but I am confident in my ability to portray a good story and get my point across to others so they can feel the impact to change their life for the better, as I've done for myself. I'm still very young yet and have more lessons to learn but I'm wise for my age and won't stop learning, ever. Even when I'm 60 years-old and making daily walks to the park.. which, I encourage at any age to be honest, boosts the mental health level.. I always will strive to keep learning. As should you, it'll let you know you're still alive!

As for the fame aspect of this article, that's always been an enormous aspiration of mine as well and while I may not be there yet, I won't stop until I am. That's where my confidence comes into play, if you can act the part, then you can play the part. Not that I'm trying to buy into the adage of, "fake it 'til you make it" but in that sense, it's true. Even on the days where you got up on the wrong side of the bed and nothing seems to be going right, you have to know that that's just one day, or maybe one week of your life that's like that. Please don't take it personally because as soon as we start playing the "victim" card, that's when we get into those negative ruts and blame our circumstances and everything around us for the situations we're in. That just simply isn't true. We ALWAYS have the power to turn things around, leave the past in the past and do what you can with the present without worrying about the future. Don't constantly focus on where you're not at yet, focus on the PROGRESS you're making daily, that's all that counts. No matter how slow, fast, big or small the progress, it's still progress that'll push you towards your ultimate goal. If that goal is fame, travel, sports, music, acting, singing, art or whichever your passion may be, so be it. Never. Ever. Give. Up. On. It.

Confidence is key, alongside a positive attitude, patience and persistence. I've learnt all these lessons myself through a lot of trial and error, online magazines and endless amounts of articles. I've done my research, studied the game of the fields I'm interested in (writing, acting, travelling, rap, singing, art, etc.) and I'm going all for it. Life is WAY too short to do anything else. Another great tip for finding happiness through times of struggle, depression, misery, hardship is to surround yourself with positive kinds of people. Some people will inspire you and some will drain you, choose wisely.

The aforementioned P90X program is an amazing way to kickstart yourself into the world of positivity, progress and happiness. Albeit, not an easy program, it definitely pushes you to your limits and to continue digging further and finding what your made of.. Besides, it'll kick your ass into shape while it's at it! ;)

It took me quite awhile to get motivated to do the program myself but once I actually just put the first disc in and hit play, I was well on my way to achieving my fitness goals already by just taking that first step, and that's what you need to do with absolutely any goal in your life. Trust me, the payoff will be worth all of your hard work but it all starts with the decision to try, just believe me and more importantly, believe in yourself!

P.S. This was not an attempt to force you into doing Tony Horton's P90X program but it was an attempt to get you moving in any way possible to give you more motivation towards achieving all goals in your life! Doesn't have to be a 1-hour workout, it can be as simple as a 10-minute walk or simple jog down the street. So get to your feet, don't skip a beat and then reward yourself with a treat to eat!

P.P.S. This is my first article of the year! Sorry it took so long everyone!


Sincerely, Solace

Sunday 13 December 2015

There, Here and Now

A nice little quote by Billy Cox to kick this article off. It'll be a short one but at that, the first one in two months. That being said, I apologize for my lack of posting over the last little while, life has been quite busy for myself as I'm sure it has for all of you as Christmas draws nearer.

Yet again, I've been intensely thinking about travel and all the benefits it has and the mind expansion it allows. To travel, is to commit your entire life to learning other cultures, new experiences, trying out obstacles in which plenty of other ethnicities have overcome themselves and exploring the vast world that lays before us.

Many of us aspire to do these types of things in our lives and embark upon these wild adventures but very few of us actually have the courage to do so. By that, I don't intend to come off judgemental or ignorant, I'm merely being honest. It's always a matter of priorities and we have time for anything we allow ourselves to. We personally, are in control. We cannot make the excuses for ourselves.. Or, we can; we must deal with the consequences and following actions from there. To travel, is an entirely new way of life.

Over the past few months, little before I began writing articles on Blogger, I came across one of the Top 10 travel bloggers/writers on Klout, who'd inspired me to want to further pursue these travelling goals and aspirations. A one, Mr. Scott Eddy has travelled from capital to capital, terrain to terrain and engaged in thousands of new endeavours daily. He's been my inspiration over the past little while to actually put myself out there and explore the world for all that it is and push myself to the next level. An incredible blogger, writer, public speaker and cuisine expert, he's worth a double-tap on the smartphone or laptop mouse you're holding right now; I advise you check him out!

To close up this short, little blog post, I'd like to say hello again everyone and I hope that all is well with the world and in
your lives! Much love, peace and joy to all of you and we will talk again soon. Stay tuned for a follow up article and a higher volume of posts to come in the new year, my sights are set high and goals are in place. Let's make these dreams come true everyone!


Thursday 15 October 2015


Poverty: General scarcity, dearth, or the state of one who lacks a certain amount of material possessions or money.

We see this scattered across the globe daily and it's truly heartbreaking at that. This is an article I've been thinking about for a little while now and it came across my mind again on the bus home a few days ago. Which, for all you bus-takers out there, we all know how that time crunch and the uncomfortable feelings of being pressed up against a stranger can be, sometimes unpleasant!

Back to the point, we see poverty all the time in various ways and in various places. Its embedded in our minds to have that image of a homeless man/woman living in a cardboard box on the sidewalk, a back alley near some dumpsters or the less-sighted, city parks. Every time we are to see such a visual, it brings most of us a sense of dispair, depression and loss. For others, it brings the feelings of fear, for not wanting to be in the position themselves or for their lives to ever amount to that.

The bad news, there actually are millions of people suffering daily like this. The good news, we can do something about it. While we may not be able to solve world hunger in a day or stop poverty entirely, we can certainly make our contributions to society and bettering it the best possible way we're able to. These little tidbits are ways to do so:

• Donate to charities.

• Buy a homeless person/people a meal for the day.

• Provide community services via homeless shelters, feeding the poor where and when we can.

• Smile at a stranger (seems minor but honestly, sometimes a simple smile can set the tone in an individual's day, just try it sometime)

• Offer a hug (also simple but does wonders)

• Hold the door open for someone.

• Recycle.

• Start a friendly conversation with a homeless person/individual in need.

The above ways of expressing your positivity and effort may not all directly relate to poverty but they are general ways to improve the way we go about our daily lives and furthermore, improve society and help towards the struggle of poverty. At first sight, they're minuscule but gradual progress will be made every day of our lives if we are to do so. Some may laugh and overlook these subtle, simple tasks but honestly, the energy you put out there will come back to you and karma will work its wonders unto you. These are not selfish deeds nor are they selfless, they are communal and universal. We are all connected after all and every breath of fresh air you take in in the morning, has once passed through the same individuals you look up to or the same ones that have suffered many tragedies. Seems blunt but it's the truth and being that we are all one, we must show and produce an effort towards love and happiness, these are life's foundations. It's what we're truly built on and love conquers all in the end.

This isn't to say that I know it all and have life figured out but what I do know, is that I put out to the world what I expect in return and how I'd like to be treated. Equality is a topic so overlooked in today's day in age it's saddening and we all need to realize that life isn't a competition, we're all born the same and we all pass away the same. Let's make the best use of our time now and live each moment in solace and bliss. Positivity and contentment with where you are in your life now is one of the most important things you could ever do for yourself. You may not be where you're headed but that's the point, life's a journey and you need to take in every lasting moment for what it is and with acceptance. You must appreciate what you have in your life now and accept yourself for who you are and all the amazing things that are currently in your life. You are perfect as is, smile and don't let anything/anyone bring you down because they are never in any place to judge. Life will get you where you need to be, just enjoy the ride along the way and do your part for positivity, happiness and self-acceptance. This is how you will achieve enlightenment.

Do not stress about the past or worry about the future, they are where they belong and as are you in the present moment. You can set goals for your dream home and still achieve them while enjoying where you are now, it's all about how you think of it. Mindfulness will bring you the peace you've been looking for. Stay present and don't worry about where you've been or are going to, it's happening for a reason, always remember that.

Namaste, everyone.


Tuesday 13 October 2015

Mistakes & All Their Lessons

Einstein said it best when he made this quote and we all need to take a keen note of that. Mistakes are bound to happen and they do on a daily basis, we're all only human after all. This post may sound a little like my previous one on "Regret & The Fear of Regret" though it will cover a few different areas and aspects of making mistakes/regrets in the sense that we beat ourselves up too much for things we should not.

A mistake is simple and can happen to anyone, it is something we should not feel immediately bad for. The simple mistakes I'm referring to are the ones that cause you such grief that you carry it with you to bed at night and then it's right there poking and prodding you, keeping you awake until the sun comes back up. Not really a great feeling for most people in the eight-hour workweek phenomenon.

I make mistakes, you make/have made mistakes before and that's absolutely okay, we're free to make them as much as we like as long as we learn from them. Today I experienced the same feelings of beating myself up over little mistakes that shouldn't even matter and then furthermore trigger my thought pattern to all of the other mistakes I've ever made. It's an unhealthy train of thought and I encourage everyone to get the hell off of that crazy train! Going off the rails isn't going to solve anything but simply getting off the train will. Let that metaphor sink in a little.

I've been boasting the fact that we all, in this world, need to practice the art of mindfulness each and everyday and especially in times when we do make these mistakes and feel like the world is against us. We just need to take a few steps back, clear our minds with some deep, calming breaths with eyes closed and hands placed gently in our laps and come to terms with the situation and see what can be done from there. That's the most positive and optimistic way to handle these types of situations where we seem to stress over the littlest of things and make it out that the world's at its end over the most minor things.

"Stop focusing on what will never be, and instead focus on what still can be done, it's all we ever really can do"

When life starts making you feel like whatever you do will end in failure, remind yourself that you are an amazing human being and we are all here on this Earth for a reason, we all have purpose. Every single one of us. No matter who you are, where you are, what you've been through, how you're doing it or why you've done what you've done, I promise you that we'll all get to where we need to be and we're headed where we are for a reason. The reason may not always be clear but nor are the skies, the answer comes with time.

This is a very short article but I wrote it as a quick pick-me-up for anyone who may be needing it in this point in time. Cheer up and keep your head held high, you are a champion as long as you believe you are one. Trust me, no one else's word matters most when talking about love than your own. Love yourself first and you will find love in the world around you. Mistakes happen, life moves on and it's a chance at a new beginning. It's never too late to reinvent yourself no matter what age, circumstance, race, sex or any type of hardship you've been through. Life gets better my friends, namaste.



Tuesday 6 October 2015

Travelling Thoughts

Over the past few months, I've wanted to travel desperately and finishing a few episodes of Departures recently has thrown me into that loop, need for travel again. It must become a reality and I will not stop until it is one :)

My aspirations to develop this into a travel blog may not happen overnight as not everything does but perseverance will get me there, perseverance can get anyone anywhere they want/need to be. I guarantee you that. The simple key is: Never. Give. Up.

I will not stop until I've visited the home of Bilbo Baggins in New Zealand. Until I've climbed trees in Capetown, Africa. Until I've crossed glaciers in Iceland. Until I've hiked across bridges in Cambodia. I'm going to fulfill these goals and dreams and I want all of you to be along with me for the ride. You'll get an insider's view of my travels and adventures and hopefully get the feeling as if you're there with me. I cannot make any promises as to when this will start happening but I can make the promise that it WILL happen. Getting there is what will need to fall into place.

This goes for anyone with any aspirations, goals and dreams, I want you to have this same attitude and feel as though there isn't a damn thing in this world that can stop you. We all have bills, debts, struggles and constraints in our lives that seemingly constantly hold us back but once we deal with these issues head on and tackle them, we can move forth onto bigger and better things in our lives. It sounds easier said than done but really, anything is possible when you apply yourself.

Every time I post an article, which this is my sixth, I state how important the mindframe you're in at all times is. Mindfulness is so powerful, yet so many of us have troubles abiding by it and allowing ourselves to live in the moment. This is where you need to physically (and mentally/emotionally) take a step back from what you're doing, inhale a few deep breaths and come to terms with where you are in the present moment and what can be done to better your life moving forward and get you to where you want to be. To be able to do things that you've always wanted to do, since you were a small child. Never let that childish passion die! 

That's definitely not to say that I'm telling you to be immature, I'm merely stating that you need to keep that sense of wonder and explorative nature alive because there's never a point to which you can stop learning, you can always learn more, you can always grow and you can always expand/adapt to life as it comes to you and throws you this way, and that. Keep an open mind, though don't be naive. Be strong, though don't let the world make you cold. Be smart, though never bestow judgement unto others who do not deserve it.

One day I'll make a post from the beaches of Honolulu and I'll be reaching out to all of you and hoping that you as well chased your dreams and continue chasing them, there's never a limit to what you can achieve and continue to create. Never stop, and furthermore never will your adventure either :)

This brief post was absolutely necessary and it's been on my mind since last night, I'm just being me, original and independent. I don't feel the need to conform to some piece of writing that someone WANTS me to write or feels that it SHOULD be a certain way. It comes from the heart and so should all of your actions, never let anyone make you feel bad for doing the things you love, and in your own way. It's you, it's your life and yours only. Live it originally because everyone else is already taken. Namaste.


Monday 5 October 2015

Regret & The Fear of Regret

Woo, regret! This is a big one and I've been looking forward to covering this topic. Something happened today to make me want to finally just up and write the article. It may seem minuscule and rather irrelevant in the grand scheme of things but even still, that fearful feeling of regret can be overwhelming, painstakingly tremendous and heavy on your shoulders. It's a personal emotional debt and misery that we ourselves insist on placing ourselves in because we feel things could've happened differently and we focus too much on that.

The thing is, that's wasted energy. We don't know if it would've went down that way in the first place honestly and life is mysterious like that. It'll take you from place to place, stage to stage, emotion to emotion without sometimes fully understanding why and that's what we just must accept and give into. The flow of life. Yes, it's good to make things happen, go out there and get things you want for yourself done and over with although sometimes the circumstances can change (i.e. someone gets ill, arrangements for dinner get switched to a new restaurant, you spill your coffee on your shirt/pants and it "ruins" your day, you get called to babysit your best friend's kids/early teens.. etc. and so forth) and you must handle what you're dealt with. Roll with the punches and play the hand you're dealt, like Vegas.

Today I'd been getting ready to take the bus back home from a transit station in the south side of the city and said goodbye to my sister who's been helping me through recent struggles, tough times and sad emotions and it's tough to say those goodbyes sometimes. It really can be, especially when you yourself are already experiencing hardship or just generally having a difficult time with your life as of late. Things can't always be perfect and nor will they ever be as I've stressed the point before and I'll continuously stress it again for all you perfectionists out there. Imperfect perfection, IS perfection.

I said my goodbyes and she went on the LRT train back home while I took my bus likewise. The many thoughts running through my head all circled around regret and how I wish I'd had just gotten back on a different bus and went back to the transit station to go see my sister again and visit for longer before needing to go back home, and I felt so shameful and full of regret over such a simple thing. For others, situations like this are more difficult due to distance but my sister and I live only 25-30 minutes away by car. So it isn't all that bad and I will see her again soon and share some more sibling bonding time through these recent struggles. That's the thing that everyone has to keep in mind when it comes to choices, regret and wishing you'd taken a different route, whatever happens is meant to happen and although it may not seem like it in the moment, I promise you it's the truth. You will have the opportunity to see that person/do that thing you wanted to do again, it may not be in the exact same way but it'll be in the way and time that it needs to be, it's all apart of life.

I hope this post isn't bringing anyone down to be honest, I've had my fair share of tough times and struggles over this past year and actually past few years overall but this summer as is has been very stressful with tragedy, heartache and devastation all coupled into a wadding ball of anxiety, PTSD, stress, depression, misery & injury but I've persevered. There's always something that could've been done differently or could've went one way rather than another but the funny thing is, that's all imagined in our minds, it'll never always go down exactly how we plan/hope/assume things will be, they happen in their own way and the way they need to to get us where we need to be. I promise you, that's how it's always been, it's how it is now and it's how it'll always be. As confusing as the world seems to be sometimes, it'll always come through in the end and the reasons for its chaos or its mysterious ways will always be revealed. There's a method to the world's madness and it's hidden sometimes but it always shines through eventually, no matter who or where you are.. Or how it does, it'll happen and you'll feel relief, happiness and joy. That regret you had will diminish. Regrets are just mistakes that you can learn from. No need to beat yourself up and be hard about it. Always maintain a positive attitude! :)

"Stay away from what might have been and look at what can be" - Marsha Petrie Sue.

That quote is so inspiring to me and as soon as I read it, it made me feel better and enlightened to the fact that worrying and fearing everything that's happened to the point of regret is pointless because it just wastes time on an issue that's already happened and over with. Why do that when you can literally be utilizing that time to fix the problem for next time and not letting it bother you? There's always going to be new/other opportunities for you, no matter who you are or what someone's told you in the past. You need to learn how to see past what they're saying and take the good from the bad and roll with it. No matter what situation you're in or where. Namaste everyone! :)

Ending/Last Notes: "Life is now, and we always have a choice: Do we drown in regret and dwell over what never came to be? Or use our energy to create what can be? Today, I am choosing the latter" - Lori Deschene of TinyBuddha


Saturday 3 October 2015

The Wanderluster

Alright, so I've been a little lazy and delayed in this one as I'd planned to have it out a few days ago at the end of September or the first of this month, nonetheless, I'm here now and I'll say what I have to say and what needs to be said about the wanderlust gene. Also a few more bits on anxiety, angst, depression, stress, mental illness and a few other mental health-related topics.

To begin, I'd like to say that I feel everyone should have a bucket list. Absolutely everyone. It doesn't matter about your age, weight, height, overall size, have a bucket list. It'll instill that sense of accomplishment and/or goals/dreams to be achieved in the near or far future. It's exciting to write a bucket list and I'd have to say that the best part about it is the feeling that you're realistically going to accomplish these goals/dreams someday. You will have doubters and disbelievers but don't ever let that stray your mind from your own goals, they have their lives and you have yours. That's that. 

Furthermore, creating this list sets your eyes on the grande picture and truly experiencing the big (or small) things in life you've always wanted to experience. I myself have quite a long list and it grows more and more every week. It's at 90 goals/tasks as of the moment and I fully plan on acting and indulging in every single one of them. I'm excited to! From the clichés of skydiving, skiing down the Swiss Alps & drinking with celebrities, to more unusual goals like skateboarding in the Grand Canyon and doing push-ups in Tibet, it can get as weird as you want or thrilling as you'd ever imagined. It's all up to you! (That's where my wanderlusting seems to come in play!) So get writing and have a hell of a time in this one life we have to live. I understand things may not always be the best scenarios or there's financial stress and struggles as to get to where you want/need to be, though don't worry my friends, I know exactly how that feels. You're never alone there and we need to all count on each other for support through these tough times. Which leads me to my next point.

I've spoken about these issues in a couple previous articles and I have no problem discussing them again, I love being able to help where I can and give advice where needed. That being said, I myself will even accept new advice, opinions and ideas since that's what being open-minded, positive and optimistic is about, you have to open yourself to the world and be a little vulnerable. It sounds scary but it's necessary to make these breakthroughs in life. I'm not saying to be completely naive and not withhold any common sense (for lack of a better word being that this phrase sometimes doesn't hold true anymore) but I'm saying to be willing to make mistakes and prepare for occasional failure. You can't always succeed but you also can't always fail. Why not always take the shot right? ;)

Anxiety, angst, depression, stress, PTSD, overall mental illness and health are enormous factors of our lives and define how we live from day to day, and the decisions we further act on. It's very difficult to overcome these types of things in a heartbeat and I myself suffer greatly from a few of these from time to time. No one is perfect and nor will they ever be. Imperfect perfection as I like to say is the best kind of perfect you'll ever need, since that's all there ever actually will be. The world can be crazy, hectic, unjust, tragic and insane sometimes but I promise you that it is always counteracted with an equally good action. It's karma yet again, acting in its mysterious was. It's the yin-yang energy that turns the world round, alchemy and Buddhism are essential tools to understanding these concepts. Alongside mindfulness, CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) which comes in many different forms but a couple of the more popular forms are, ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy) & ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) which basically stress the points of accepting the world for the way it is and everything that's happened/happening/or to happen in your life and finding peace in the current moment. ERP mainly focuses on overcoming these types of fears by direct engagement with them. Meaning, if you're afraid of spiders, let a spider (non-poisonous of course) crawl on your hand for at least ten seconds or so. Gradually, the more you do this, the less fear there is. Sounds insane, right?

Actually, it's a proven theory in many cases and while I'll have critics attack this statement, I stand tall and stay true to my word. I've used the theory myself and even helped friends with it and it's been used thousands of times to cure or at least handle illnesses like OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder), PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) & general anxiety as a whole. I recommend it to absolutely everyone and anyone struggling with these fears, obsessions, stress, struggles, depression and angst/anxiety. It will do you wonders and remember to always keep calm, take at least five deep breaths and close your eyes when things get a little too overwhelming or tough, everyone needs breaks. Take them.

Now how this relates to the bucket list is in the sense that you need to be able to overcome these barriers and stresses in your life to achieve whatever you want and have literally nothing hold you back. If there are negative factors in your life just eating away at you daily and you feel helpless, you need to drop them from your life. If you have difficulties doing so, then I recommend you try these therapies I've briefly explained. There are tons of articles made by therapists themselves and doctors about these issues and they can always be treated, no matter what anyone says. If you feel your issues are a little more severe and need medical attention, I highly recommend that you visit your family doctor and set up an appointment with a professional and he/she will guide you down the right path to recovery, many of them know these CBT techniques and will help you through your difficult times. Just please everyone, if you're struggling, upset, depressed, angry, sad, anxiety-ridden and full of angst.. Please don't keep that bottled in and let it fester within you. Say something. Talk to someone and get it out, you need to. Hell, I'm always here to lend an open ear and helping words, no matter what! Namaste everyone and have a wonderful weekend, following week and all the rest of your days to follow. Enjoy! God bless and Godspeed! :)
